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Performance and Algorithms Research


The following represents a core list of Roofline-related publications. They can provide a more in-depth discussion of the theory, application, and nuances associated with using the Roofline model.


Nan Ding, Brian Austin, Yang Liu, Neil Mehta, Steven Farrell, Johannes P. Blaschke, Leonid Oliker, Hai Ah Nam, Nicholas J. Wright, Samuel Williams, "A Workflow Roofline Model for End-to-End Workflow Performance Analysis", Supercomputing (SC), November 17, 2024,

Oscar Antepara, Samuel Williams, Max Carlson, Jerry Watkins, "Performance Portable Optimizations of an Ice-sheet Modeling Code on GPU-supercomputers", Performance, Portability & Productivity in HPC (P3HPC), November 2024,

Brian Austin, Dhruva Kulkarni, Brandon Cook, Samuel Williams, Nicholas J. Wright, "System-Wide Roofline Profiling - a Case Study on NERSC’s Perlmutter Supercomputer", Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation (PMBS), November 2024,

Shashank Subramanian, Ermal Rrapaj, Peter Harrington, Smeet Chheda, Steven Farrell, Brian Austin, Samuel Williams, Nicholas Wright, Wahid Bhimji, "Comprehensive Performance Modeling and System Design Insights for Foundation Models", Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation (PMBS), November 2024,


Nicholson Koukpaizan, Roofline Analysis using AMD Tools on AMD GPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2023,

Neil Mehta, Roofline Performance Analysis on NVIDIA GPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2023,

JaeHyuk Kwack, Roofline Performance Analysis w/Intel Advisor on Intel CPUs & GPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2023,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2023,


Nan Ding, Samuel Williams, Hai Ah Nam, Taylor Groves, Muaaz Gul Awan, Christopher Delay, Oguz Selvitopi, Leonid Oliker, Nicholas Wright, "Methodology for Evaluating the Potential of Disaggregated Memory Systems", RESDIS,, November 18, 2022,


Neil Mehta, Roofline on NVIDIA at NERSC, ECP Annual Meeting, May 2022,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, May 2022,


Marco Siracusa, Emanuele Del Sozzo, Marco Rabozzi, Lorenzo Di Tucci, Samuel Williams, Donatella Sciuto, Marco Domenico Santambrogio, "A Comprehensive Methodology to Optimize FPGA Designs via the Roofline Model", Transactions on Computers (TC), September 2021, doi: 10.1109/TC.2021.3111761

Charlene Yang, Yunsong Wang, Thorsten Kurth, Steven Farrell, Samuel Williams, "Hierarchical Roofline Performance Analysis for Deep Learning Applications", Intelligent Computing, LNNS, July 15, 2021, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-80126-7

Jonathan Madsen, Roofline Instrumentation with TiMemory, ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021,

Samuel Williams, Roofline Analysis on NVIDIA GPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021,

Jonathan Madsen, Roofline Model using NSight Compute, ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021,

Khaled Ibrahim, Roofline on GPUs (advanced topics), ECP Annual Meeting, April 2021,


Tan Nguyen, Samuel Williams, Marco Siracusa, Colin MacLean, Douglas Doerfler, Nicholas J. Wright, "The Performance and Energy Efficiency Potential of FPGAs in Scientific Computing", (BEST PAPER) Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS), November 2020,

Yunsong Wang, Charlene Yang, Steven Farrell, Yan Zhang, Thorsten Kurth, Samuel Williams, "Time-Based Roofline for Deep Learning Performance Analysis", Deep Learning on Supercomputing (DLonSC), November 2020,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, Supercomputing (SC), November 2020,

Charlene Yang, Accelerating Large-Scale Excited-State Studies in Materials Science, Supercomputing (SC), November 2020,

Marco Siracusa, Marco Rabozzi, Emanuele Del Sozzo, Lorenzo Di Tucci, Samuel Williams, Marco D. Santambrogio, "A CAD-based methodology to optimize HLS code via the Roofline model", International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), November 2020, doi: 10.1145/3400302.3415730

Samuel Williams, The Roofline Model: A Bridge between Computer Science, Applied Math, and Computational Science, SciDAC Meeting, July 2020,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, NERSC NVIDIA Roofline Hackathon, July 2020,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, NERSC GPU For Science Workshop, July 2020,

Jonathan R Madsen, Muaaz G Awan, Hugo Brunie, Jack Deslippe, Rahul Gayatri, Leonid Oliker, Yunsong Wang, Charlene Yang, Samuel Williams, "TiMemory: Modular Performance Analysis for HPC", International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), June 2020, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-50743-5_22

Samuel Williams, Charlene Yang, Yunsong Wang, Roofline Performance Modeling for HPC and Deep Learning Applications, NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC), March 2020,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020,

Charlene Yang, Hierarchical Roofline Analysis on GPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020,

Samuel Williams, Roofline on GPUs (Advanced Topics), ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020,

Charlene Yang, Hierarchical Roofline Analysis on CPUs, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020,

Jack Deslippe, Guiding Optimization with the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, February 2020,


Nan Ding, Samuel Williams, An Instruction Roofline Model for GPUs, Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation (PMBS), BEST PAPER AWARD, November 18, 2019,

Nan Ding, Samuel Williams, "An Instruction Roofline Model for GPUs", Performance Modeling, Benchmarking, and Simulation (PMBS), BEST PAPER AWARD, November 18, 2019,

Khaled Ibrahim, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, "Performance Analysis of GPU Programming Models using the Roofline Scaling Trajectories", International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing (Bench), BEST PAPER AWARD, November 2019,

Charlene Yang, Thorsten Kurth, Samuel Williams, "Hierarchical Roofline analysis for GPUs: Accelerating performance optimization for the NERSC-9 Perlmutter system", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), August 2019, doi: 10.1002/cpe.5547

Samuel Williams, Charlene Yang, Khaled Ibrahim, Thorsten Kurth, Nan Ding, Jack Deslippe, Leonid Oliker, "Performance Analysis using the Roofline Model", SciDAC PI Meeting, July 2019,

Charlene Yang, Thorsten Kurth, Samuel Williams, "Hierarchical Roofline Analysis for GPUs: Accelerating Performance Optimization for the NERSC-9 Perlmutter System", Cray User Group (CUG), May 2019,

Charlene Yang, Samuel Williams, Performance Analysis of GPU-Accelerated Applications using the Roofline Model, GPU Technology Conference (GTC), March 2019,

Samuel Williams, Performance Modeling and Analysis, CS267 Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, February 14, 2019,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, Roofline Tutorial, ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019,

Samuel Williams, Roofline on CPU-based Systems, Roofline Tutorial, ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019,

Jack Deslippe, Optimization Use Cases with the Roofline Model, Roofline Tutorial, ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019,

Charlene Yang, Performance Analysis with Roofline on GPUs, Roofline Tutorial, ECP Annual Meeting, January 2019,


Charlene Yang, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Thorsten Kurth, Protonu Basu, Zahra Ronaghi, Adedoyin Adetokunbo, Brian Friesen, Brandon Cook, Douglas Doerfler, Leonid Oliker, Jack Deslippe, Samuel Williams, "An Empirical Roofline Methodology for Quantitatively Assessing Performance Portability", International Workshop on Performance, Portability and Productivity in HPC (P3HPC), November 2018,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, Supercomputing, November 2018,

Samuel Williams, Roofline on Manycore and Accelerated Systems, ModSim, August 2018,

Khaled Ibrahim, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, "Roofline Scaling Trajectories: A Method for Parallel Application and Architectural Performance Analysis", HPCS Special Session on High Performance Computing Benchmarking and Optimization (HPBench), July 2018,

Tuomas Koskela, Zakhar Matveev, Charlene Yang, Adetokunbo Adedoyin, Roman Belenov, Philippe Thierry, Zhengji Zhao, Rahulkumar Gayatri, Hongzhang Shan, Leonid Oliker, Jack Deslippe, Ron Green, and Samuel Williams, "A Novel Multi-Level Integrated Roofline Model Approach for Performance Characterization", ISC, June 2018,

Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Samuel Williams, Advisor Hand-On: Stencil Example, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Charlene Yang, Intel Advisor on Cori, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Protonu Basu, Using Empirical Roofline Toolkit and Nvidia nvprof, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Charlene Yang, LIKWID at NERSC, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Jack Deslippe, Guiding Optimization on KNL with the Roofline Model, ECP Annual Meeting, February 8, 2018,

Samuel Williams, Performance Modeling and Analysis, CS267 lecture, University of California at Berkeley, January 30, 2018,


Samuel Williams, Introduction to the Roofline Model, Roofline Training, November 2017,


Taylor Barnes, Brandon Cook, Jack Deslippe, Douglas Doerfler, Brian Friesen, Yun (Helen) He, Thorsten Kurth, Tuomas Koskela, Mathieu Lobet, Tareq Malas, Leonid Oliker, Andrey Ovsyannikov, Abhinav Sarje, Jean-Luc Vay, Henri Vincenti, Samuel Williams, Pierre Carrier, Nathan Wichmann, Marcus Wagner, Paul Kent, Christopher Kerr, John Dennis, "Evaluating and Optimizing the NERSC Workload on Knights Landing", Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS), November 2016,

Hasan Metin Aktulga, Md. Afibuzzaman, Samuel Williams, Aydın Buluc, Meiyue Shao, Chao Yang, Esmond G. Ng, Pieter Maris, James P. Vary, "A High Performance Block Eigensolver for Nuclear Configuration Interaction Calculations", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), November 2016, doi: 10.1109/TPDS.2016.2630699

Zhaoyi Meng, Alice Koniges, Yun (Helen) He, Samuel Williams, Thorsten Kurth, Brandon Cook, Jack Deslippe, and Andrea L. Bertozzi, "OpenMP Parallelization and Optimization of Graph-Based Machine Learning Algorithms", 12th International Workshop on OpenMP (iWOMP), October 2016, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-45550-1_2

Douglas Doerfer, Jack Deslippe, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, Brandon Cook, Thorsten Kurth, Mathieu Lobet, Tareq Malas, Jean-Luc Vay, and Henri Vincenti, "Applying the Roofline Performance Model to the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor", Intel Xeon Phi User Group Workshop (IXPUG), June 2016,


Alex Druinsky, Pieter Ghysels, Xiaoye S. Li, Osni Marques, Samuel Williams, Andrew Barker, Delyan Kalchev, Panayot Vassilevski, "Comparative Performance Analysis of Coarse Solvers for Algebraic Multigrid on Multicore and Manycore Architectures", International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM), September 6, 2015, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32149-3_12


Yu Jung Lo, Samuel Williams, Brian Van Straalen, Terry J. Ligocki, Matthew J. Cordery, Leonid Oliker, Mary W. Hall, "Roofline Model Toolkit: A Practical Tool for Architectural and Program Analysis", Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance Computer Systems (PMBS), November 2014, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-17248-4_7

H. M. Aktulga, A. Buluc, S. Williams, C. Yang, "Optimizing Sparse Matrix-Multiple Vector Multiplication for Nuclear Configuration Interaction Calculations", International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2014), May 2014, doi: 10.1109/IPDPS.2014.125


S. Williams, "The Roofline Model", chapter in Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications, edited by David H. Bailey, Robert F. Lucas, Samuel W. Williams, (CRC Press: 2010)


S. Williams, A. Waterman, D. Patterson, "Roofline: an insightful visual performance model for multicore architectures", Communications of the ACM (CACM), April 2009, doi: 10.1145/1498765.1498785


S. Williams, et al., The Roofline Model: A Pedagogical Tool for Auto-tuning Kernels on Multicore Architectures, Hot Chips 20, August 10, 2008,