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Scalable Solvers Group

Mark Adams

Mark F Adams
Staff Scientist

I received my Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, from U.C. Berkeley in 1998 and am a former student and postdoc with Jim Demmel  in the Computer Science Division, at U.C. Berkeley.  I work in the Scalable Solvers Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and as an adjunct research scientist in the Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Department at Columbia University.

Research Interests:

My research interests are in large scale simulations, extreme-scale multigrid equation solvers, adaptive mesh methods, and particle in cell methods for plasma physics applications.

I work as a developer in the PETSc numerical library - developing its algebraic multigrid (AMG) framework the advance Structure Preserving, Adaptive Discretizations for Extreme-scale Solver (SPADES) infrastructure in PETSc. I work with computational physicists at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) on kinetic and fluid models for magnetically confined fusion plasmas.

Selected Papers:


Journal Articles

Mark Adams, Stephen Cornford, Daniel Martin, Peter McCorquodale, "Composite matrix construction for structured grid adaptive mesh refinement", Computer Physics Communications, November 2019, 244:35-39, doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.07.006

MF Adams, E Hirvijoki, MG Knepley, J Brown, T Isaac, R Mills, "Landau Collision Integral Solver with Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Emerging Architectures", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2017, 39:C452--C465, doi: 10.1137/17M1118828

R Hager, J Lang, CS Chang, S Ku, Y Chen, SE Parker, MF Adams, "Verification of long wavelength electromagnetic modes with a gyrokinetic-fluid hybrid model in the XGC code", Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24, doi: 10.1063/1.4983320

E Hirvijoki, MF Adams, "Conservative discretization of the Landau collision integral", Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24, doi: 10.1063/1.4979122

Mark Adams, Jed Brown, Matt Knepley, Ravi Samtaney, "Segmental Refinement: A Multigrid Technique for Data Locality", SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 2016, 38:4,


Mark Adams, Samuel Williams, HPGMG BoF - Introduction, HPGMG BoF, Supercomputing, November 2016,

Samuel Williams, Mark Adams, Brian Van Straalen, Performance Portability in Hybrid and Heterogeneous Multigrid Solvers, Copper Moutain, March 2016,

Mark Adams, Samuel Williams, Jed Brown, HPGMG, Birds of a Feather (BoF), Supercomputing, November 2014,


M. Adams, P. Colella, D. T. Graves, J.N. Johnson, N.D. Keen, T. J. Ligocki. D. F. Martin. P.W. McCorquodale, D. Modiano. P.O. Schwartz, T.D. Sternberg, B. Van Straalen, "Chombo Software Package for AMR Applications - Design Document", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Technical Report LBNL-6616E, January 9, 2015,

Mark F. Adams, Jed Brown, John Shalf, Brian Van Straalen, Erich Strohmaier, Samuel Williams, "HPGMG 1.0: A Benchmark for Ranking High Performance Computing Systems", LBNL Technical Report, 2014, LBNL 6630E,