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Usable Data Systems Group
082117 CACMpg73 Security in HPC.large

Ensuring the Integrity of Exascale Scientific Data

This project, "Toward a Hardware/Software Co-Design Framework for Ensuring the Integrity of Exascale Scientific Data", takes a broad look at several aspects of security and scientific integrity issues…

The Usable Data Systems (UDS) group* performs research and development on software and methodology for improving the usability, quality, and security of scientific computing. The group is a mix of software engineers and computer scientists. We work with earth scientists, material scientists, chemists, process engineers, and physicists, as well as the NERSC and ESNet facilities. Our approach is distinguished by a strong focus on usability and user research, early and often in the software design process because we believe that designing the best systems can only occur when we have the best understanding of the constraints, needs, and culture of the scientists who will use it.

Group Lead: Dan Gunter

* Formerly Integrated Data Systems (IDS)


Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative

The CCSI Toolset will accelerate the development and deployment cycle for bringing new Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies to market.
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Materials Project

The Materials Project is a high-throughput framework developed by MIT and LBNL and subsequently extended by collaborators at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC). This Center, funded by the DOE…
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The AmeriFlux Network of PI-managed sites measures ecosystem CO2, water, and energy fluxes in North, Central and South America. It was established to connect research on field sites representing major climate and ecological biomes, including tundra,…
NGEE Tropics

NGEE Tropics

The Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments–Tropics, or NGEE-Tropics (Website), is a ten-year, multi-institutional project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). …
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The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) project develops next-generation computational tools for Process Systems Engineering (PSE) of advanced energy systems to enable rapid design and optimization.
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NAWI brings together a world-class team of industry and academic partners to examine the critical technical barriers and research needed to radically lower the cost and energy of desalination.
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The Carbon Capture Simulation for Industry Impact (CCSI2) project is designed to use the computational tools and models developed under the Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI) in partnership with industry to accelerate and de-risk the…
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Computer Security Research

The Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division is an active participant numerous projects areas of computer security.
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Cybersecurity for Energy Delivery Systems Research and Development

The Berkeley Lab’s Computational Research Division is an active participant in a number of projects in the arena of cybersecurity for energy delivery systems.
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Cybersecurity for Research Cyberinfrastructure and High-Performance Computing

Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Research is an active participant in numerous projects in areas of security for science, including high-performance computing and high-throughput networking environments.