Gary Kushner

Biographical Sketch
Gary Kushner retired from LBNL in May 2017.
Gary Kushner was a Computer Systems Engineer who worked on the JDEM and SDDS3 BOSS astrophysics programs. On JDEM, he was involved with the simulation, ground data systems and data reduction efforts. With BOSS, he was involved with the spectrographic analysis pipeline. In industry and academia, Gary had been involved in many projects in the areas of physics, bioinformatics, databases, wireless and hardware drivers. At various times, he led both small and large engineering groups, as well as non-technical groups. Industrial highlights include being a Sr. System Architect at Oracle and Vice President of Engineer, CTO and acting CEO at Neomar. He has a B.A. in Physics from Berkeley and his current interests are in the areas of data reduction, databases and full life cycle software development.