Zarija Lukić

Zarija Lukić is a staff scientist leading the Computational Cosmology Center at Berkeley Lab. He earned his astrophysics PhD in 2008 from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and worked in the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory before joining Berkeley Lab in 2011.
The main topic of Zarija's research is the large-scale structure of the Universe, with a focus on numerical simulations and ML/AI generative methods. An essential component of this research is developing new computational techniques for modeling and interpreting physical systems. This includes building simulation codes that can efficiently run on the largest supercomputers and creating methods for extracting scientific insights using simulation models and observational data gathered by sky surveys. Zarija is currently the P.I. on the LDRD project "Developing the next-generation of mock skies for cosmology" and the LBL P.I. on SciDAC-5 project "Enabling Cosmic Discoveries in the Exascale Era". Over the past 20+ years, Zarija was the lead on many computational projects using world-leading supercomputers, including those at NERSC, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), the Los Alamos Supercomputer Center, the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), and the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF).
In addition to cosmology, Zarija published research on the practical use of cosmic rays to identify materials and remotely diagnose the state of damaged reactor cores in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.
Zarija's full publication list can be found on Google Scholar.