Gunther H. Weber

Biographical Sketch
Gunther H. Weber received a Ph.D. in computer science, with a focus on computer graphics and visualization, from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany in 2003. He is currently a Staff Scientist in the Scientific Data Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), where he serves as Deputy Group Lead of the Machine Learning and Analytics Group. Gunther Weber is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of California, Davis. His research interests include computer graphics, scientific visualization, data analysis with using topological methods, parallel and distributed computing for visualization and data analysis applications, hierarchical data representation methods, and bioinformatics. He has extensive experience in working with researchers from diverse science and engineering fields, including applied numerical computing, combustion simulation, gene expression, medicine, civil engineering, cosmology, climate and particle accelerator modeling. Dr. Weber has authored or co-authored over 80 publications, five of which won best paper awards. He has served as principal investigator (PI) or Co-PI on several Department of Energy (DOE) and National Science Foundation (NSF) projects. He is a reviewer for major funding agencies (DOE, NSF), conference proceedings and journals. Dr. Weber served as co-organizer, co-chair and program committee member of more than 40 internationally recognized conferences.
Further Information
Journal Articles
Sugeerth Murugesan, Mariam Kiran, Bernd Hamann, Gunther H. Weber, "Netostat: Analyzing Dynamic Flow Patterns in High-Speed Networks", Cluster Computing, 2022, doi: 10.1007/s10586-022-03543-0
Hamish A. Carr, Gunther H. Weber, Christopher M. Sewell, Oliver R\ ubel, Patricia Fasel, James P. Ahrens, "Scalable Contour Tree Computation by Data Parallel Peak Pruning", Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021, 27:2437--2454, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2019.2948616
Hamish Carr, Oliver Rübel, Gunther H. Weber, James Ahrens, "Optimization and Augmentation for Data Parallel Contour Trees", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3064385
Robbie Sadre, Colin Ophus, Anstasiia Butko, Gunther H Weber, "Deep Learning Segmentation of Complex Features in Atomic-Resolution Phase Contrast Transmission Electron Microscopy Images", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2021, doi: 10.1017/S1431927621000167
Jonas Lukasczyk, Christoph Garth, Gunther H. Weber, Tim Biedert, Ross Maciejewski, Heike Leitte, "Dynamic Nested Tracking Graphs", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings IEEE VIS 2019), 2020, 26:249--258, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934368
Sugeerth Murugesan, Kristofer Bouchard, Jesse Brown, Mariam Kiran, Dan Lurie, Bernd Hamann, Gunther H. Weber, "State-based Network Similarity Visualization", Information Visualization, 2020, 19:96--113, doi: 10.1177/1473871619882019
Anna-Pia Lohfink, Florian Wetzels, Jonas Lukasczyk, Gunther H. Weber, Christoph Garth, "Fuzzy Contour Trees: Alignment and Joint Layout of Multiple Contour Trees", Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue, Proceedings Eurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization), 2020, 39:343--355, doi: 10.1111/cgf.13985
H. Childs, S. Ahern, J. Ahrens, A. C. Bauer, J. Bennett, E. W. Bethel, P.-T. Bremer, E. Brugger, J. Cottam, M. Dorier, S. Dutta, J. Favre, T. Fogal, S. Frey, C. Garth, B. Geveci, W. F. Godoy, C. D. Hansen, C. Harrison, B. Hentschel, J. Insley, C. Johnson, S. Klasky, A. Knoll, J. Kress, M. Larsen, J. Lofstead, K.-L. Ma, P. Malakar, J. Meredith, K. Moreland, P. Navratil, P. O Leary, M. Parashar, V. Pascucci, J. Patchett, T. Peterka, S. Petruzza, N. Podhorszki, D. Pugmire, M. Rasquin, S. Rizzi, D. H. Rogers, S. Sane, F. Sauer, R. Sisneros, H.-W. Shen, W. Usher, R. Vickery, V. Vishwanath, I. Wald, R. Wang, G. H. Weber, B. Whitlock, M. Wolf, H. Yu, S. B. Ziegler, "A Terminology for In Situ Visualization and Analysis Systems", International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2020, 34:676--691, doi: 10.1177/1094342020935991
Tom Liebmann, Gunther H. Weber, Gerik Scheuermann, "Hierarchical Correlation Clustering in Multiple 2D Scalar Fields", Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue, Proceedings Symposium on Visualization), 2018, 37, doi: 10.1111/cgf.13396
K Beketayev, D Yeliussizov, D Morozov, GH Weber, B Hamann, "Measuring the Error in Approximating the Sub-Level Set Topology of Sampled Scalar Data", International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 2018, 28:57--77, doi: 10.1142/S0218195918500036
Sugeerth Murugesan, Kristofer Bouchard, Jesse A. Brown, Bernd Hamann, William W. Seeley, Andrew Trujillo, Gunther H. Weber, "Brain Modulyzer: Interactive Visual Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity", IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2017, 14(4):805-818, LBNL 1005732, doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2016.2564970
Sugeerth Murugesan, Kristofer Bouchard, Edward Chang, Dougherty, Bernd Hamann, Gunther H. Weber, "Multi-scale Visual Analysis of Time-varying Electrocorticography Data Clustering of Brain Regions", BMC Bioinformatics, 2017, 18:236, doi: 10.1186/s12859-017-1633-9
Jonas Lukasczyk, Ross Maciejewski, Gunther H. Weber, Garth, Heike Leitte, "Nested Tracking Graphs", Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue, Proceedings Symposium on Visualization), 2017, 36 (3):12--22, doi: 10.1111/cgf.13164
Gunther H. Weber, Sheelagh Carpendale, David Ebert, Brian Fisher Hans Hagen, Ben Shneiderman, Anders Ynnerman, "Apply or Die: On the Role and Assessment of Application Papers in", IEEE Computer Graphics \& Applications, 2017, 37 (3):96--104, doi: 10.1109/MCG.2017.51
GH Weber, MS Bandstra, DH Chivers, HH Elgammal, V Hendrix, J Kua, JS Maltz, K Muriki, Y Ong, K Song, MJ Quinlan, L Ramakrishnan, BJ Quiter, "Web-based visual data exploration for improved radiological source detection", Concurrency Computation, 2017, 29, doi: 10.1002/cpe.4203
Brian Friesen, Ann Almgren, Zarija Lukić, Gunther Weber, Dmitriy Morozov, Vincent Beckner, Marcus Day, "In situ and in-transit analysis of cosmological simulations", Computational Astrophysics and Cosmology, 2016, 3 (4):1-18,
Patrick Oesterling, Christian Heine, Gunther H. Weber, Gerik Scheuermann, "Visualizing global structure of nD point clouds as topological 1D height to enable supervised local data analysis", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2013, 19:514-526, LBNL 5694E,
D Ushizima, D Morozov, GH Weber, AGC Bianchi, JA Sethian, EW Bethel, "Augmented topological descriptors of pore networks for material science", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012, 18:2041--2050, LBNL 5964E, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2012.200
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Beketayev, K., Weber, G.H., Haranczyk, M., Bremer, P.-T., Hlawitschka, M., and Hamann, B., "Topology-based Visualization of Transformation Pathways in Complex Chemical Systems", Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue, Proc. Eurographics / IEEE Symposium on Visualization), June 2011, 663-672, LBNL 5242E,
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Bremer, P.-T., Weber, G.H., Tierny, J., Pascucci, V., Day, M.S., and Bell, J.B., "Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large Scale Turbulent Combustion Using Topology-based Data Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2011, 17(9):1307-1324, LBNL 5921E, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2010.253
O. Rübel, G. H. Weber, M-Y Huang, E. W. Bethel, M. D. Biggin, C. C. Fowlkes, C. Luengo Hendriks, S. V. E. Keränen, M. Eisen, D. Knowles, J. Malik, H. Hagen and B. Hamann, "Integrating Data Clustering and Visualization for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data", IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, March 2010, 7:64-79, LBNL 382E,
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Hank Childs, David Pugmire, Sean Ahern, Brad Whitlock, Mark Howison, Prabhat, Gunther Weber, E. Wes Bethel, "Extreme Scaling of Production Visualization Software on Diverse Architectures", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, January 2010, 30:22--31, LBNL 3403E, doi: 10.1109/MCG.2010.51
PT Bremer, GH Weber, V Pascucci, M Day, JB Bell, "Analyzing and tracking burning structures in lean premixed hydrogen flames", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010, 16:248--260, LBNL 2276E, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2009.69
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S. E. Dillard, V. Natarjan, G. H. Weber, V. Pascucci and B. Hamann, "Topology-guided Tessellation of Quadratic Elements", International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications (IJCGA), April 2009, 19:195-211, LBNL 63771,
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Oliver R\ ubel, Cameron GR Geddes, Estelle Cormier-Michel, Kesheng Wu, Gunther H Weber, Daniela M Ushizima, Peter Messmer, Hans Hagen, Bernd Hamann, Wes Bethel, others, "Automatic beam path analysis of laser wakefield particle acceleration data", Computational Science \& Discovery, January 2009, 2:015005, LBNL 2734E,
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G. H. Weber, O. Rübel, M.-Y. Huang, A. H. DePace, C. C. Fowlkes, S. V. E. Keränen, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, H. Hagen, D. W. Knowles, J. Malik, M. D. Biggin and B. Hamann, "Visual exploration of three-dimensional gene expression using physical views and linked abstract views", IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2009, 6:296-309, LBNL 63776, doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2007.70249
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Oliver R\ ubel, Cameron G R Geddes, Estelle, Kesheng Wu, Prabhat, Gunther H, Daniela M Ushizima, Peter Messmer, Hans, Bernd Hamann, Wes Bethel, "Automatic beam path analysis of laser wakefield acceleration data", Computational Science \& Discovery, 2009, 2:015005,
C. C. Fowlkes, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, S. V. E. Keränen, G. H. Weber, O. Rübel, M.-Y. Huang, S. Chatoor, A. H. DePace, L. Simirenko, C. Henriquez, A. Beaton, R. Weiszmann, S. Celniker, B. Hamann, D. W. Knowles, M. D. Biggin, M. B. Eisen, J. Malik, "A Quantitative Spatio-temporal Atlas of Gene Expression in the Drosophila Blastoderm", Cell, April 18, 2008, 133:364-374,
Shengyin Gu, Iain Anderson, Victor Kunin, Michael Cipriano, Minovitsky, Gunther H. Weber, Nina Amenta, Bernd Hamann Inna Dubchak, "TreeQ-VISTA: An Interactive Tree Visualization Tool with Functional Query Capabilities", Bioinformatics, 2007, 23:764--766, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl643
Gunther H. Weber, Scott E. Dillard, Hamish Carr, Pascucci, Bernd Hamann, "Topology-Controlled Volume Rendering", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2007, 13:330--341, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2007.47
Oliver G. Staadt, Vijay Natarjan, Gunther H. Weber, F. Wiley, B. Hamann, "Interactive Processing and Visualization of Image Data for Biomedical and Science Applications", BMC Cell Biology, 2007, 8:S10, doi: 10.1186/1471-2121-8-S1-S10
Gunther H. Weber, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci, "Topological Landscapes: A Terrain Metaphor for Scientific Data", IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics Issue: Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2007), 2007, 13:1416--1423, doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2007.70601
Cris L. Luengo Hendriks, Soile V. E. Keränen, C. Fowlkes, Lisa Simirenko, Gunther H. Weber, H. DePace, Clara Henriquez, David W. Kaszuba, Hamann, Michael B. Eisen, Jitendra Malik, Damir Sudar, D. Biggin, David W. Knowles, "Three-dimensional Morphology and Gene Expression in the Drosophila Blastoderm at Cellular Resolution I: Data Acquisition Pipeline", Genome Biology, 2006, 7:R123, doi: 10.1186/gb-2006-7-12-r123
Conference Papers
Jordan A. Welsman, Gunther H. Weber, Oluwamayowa O. Amusat, Anna Giannakou, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, "Enhancing Electron Microscopy Image Classification Using Data Augmentation", SC24-W: Workshops of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, IEEE, November 17, 2024, 64-71, doi: 10.1109/SCW63240.2024.00016
Petar Hristov, Gunther H. Weber, Hamish A. Carr, Oliver R\ ubel, James P. Ahrens, "Data Parallel Hypersweeps for In Situ Topological Analysis", Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2020, 12--21, doi: 10.1109/LDAV51489.2020.00008
GP Rodrigo, M Henderson, GH Weber, C Ophus, K Antypas, L Ramakrishnan, "ScienceSearch: Enabling Search through Automatic Metadata Generation", 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), IEEE, 2018, doi: 10.1109/escience.2018.00025
Gunther H. Weber, Colin Ophus, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, "Automated Labeling of Electron Microscopy Images Using Deep Learning", Proc. IEEE/ACM Machine Learning in HPC Environments (MLHPC), 2018, 26--36, doi: 10.1109/MLHPC.2018.8638633
Wahid Bhimji, Debbie Bard, Melissa Romanus, David Paul, Andrey Ovsyannikov, Brian Friesen, Matt Bryson, Joaquin Correa, Glenn K. Lockwood, Vakho Tsulaia, Suren Byna, Steve Farrell, Doga Gursoy, Chris Daley, Vince Beckner, Brian Van Straalen, Nicholas Wright, Katie Antypas, Prabhat,, "Accelerating Science with the NERSC Burst Buffer Early User Program", Cray User Group (CUG) 2016, May 10, 2016,
Utkarsh Ayachit, Andrew Bauer, Earl PN Duque, Greg Eisenhauer, Nicola Ferrier, Junmin Gu, Kenneth E Jansen, Burlen Loring, Zarija Lukic, Suresh Menon, others, "Performance analysis, design considerations, and applications of extreme-scale in situ infrastructures", SC 16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, 2016, 921--932, LBNL 1007264,
Andrey Ovsyannikov, Melissa Romanus, Brian Van Straalen, Gunther H. Weber, David Trebotich, "Scientific Workflows at DataWarp-Speed: Accelerated Data-Intensive Science using NERSC s Burst Buffer", Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems, IEEE Press, 2016, 1--6, doi: 10.1109/PDSW-DISCS.2016.005
Hamish A. Carr, Gunther H. Weber, Christopher M. Sewell, James P. Ahrens, "Parallel Peak Pruning for Scalable SMP Contour Tree Computation", Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), 2016, 75--84, doi: 10.1109/LDAV.2016.7874312
Sugeerth Murugesan, Kristofer Bouchard, Edward Chang, Dougherty, Bernd Hamann, Gunther H. Weber, "Hierarchical Spatio-temporal Visual Analysis of Cluster Evolution in Data", Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2016, 630--639, doi: 10.1145/2975167.2985688
Gunther H. Weber, Hans Johansen, Daniel T. Graves, Terry J. Ligocki, "Simulating Urban Environments for Energy Analysis", Proceedings Visualization in Environmental Sciences (EnvirVis), 2014, LBNL 6652E,
Gunther H. Weber, Hank Childs, Jeremy S. Meredith, "Recent Advances in VisIt: Parallel Crack-free Isosurface Extraction", Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2012 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), 2013,
Dmitriy Morozov, Gunther Weber, "Distributed Merge Trees", PPoPP 13, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2013, 93--102, doi: 10.1145/2442516.2442526
Gunther H. Weber, Hank Childs, Jeremy S. Meredith, "Efficient Parallel Extraction of Crack-free Isosurfaces from Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Data", Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization (LDAV), October 2012, 31--38, LBNL 5799E,
Allen R Sanderson, Brad Whitlock, H Childs, GH Weber, K Wu, others, "A system for query based analysis and visualization", January 2012, LBNL 5507E,
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K Beketayev, GH Weber, D Morozov, A Abzhanov, B Hamann, "Geometry-preserving topological landscapes", Proceedings - WASA 2012: Workshop at SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, 2012, 155--160, doi: 10.1145/2425296.2425324
Dogan Demir, Kenes Beketayev, Gunther H. Weber, Peer-Timo Bremer, Valerio Pascucci, Bernd Hamann, "Topology Exploration with Hierarchical Landscapes", Proceedings of the Workshop at SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, New York, NY, USA, ACM, 2012, 147--154, doi: 10.1145/2425296.2425323
Huang, M.-Y., Mackey, L., Keraenen, S.V.E., Weber, G.H., Jordan, M.I., Knowles, D.W., Biggin, M.D. and Hamann, B., "Visually Relating Gene Expression and in vivo DNA Binding Data", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2011 (IEEE BIBM 2011), Los Alamitos, California, IEEE Computer Society Press, November 2011, 586-589, LBNL 5423E,
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Ushizima, D.M., Weber, G.H., Ajo-Franklin, J., Kim, Y., Macdowell, A., Morozov, D., Nico, P., Parkinson, D., Trebotich, D., Wan, J., and Bethel E.W., "Analysis and visualization for multiscale control of geologic CO2", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Proceedings of SciDAC 2011, July 2011, LBNL Denver, CO, USA,
Weber, G.H., Bremer, P.T., Gyulassy A., and Pascucci, "Topology-based Feature Definition and Analysis", Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, San Diego, CA, USA, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, June 2011, 444:292-297, LBNL 5020E,
Deines E., Weber, G.H., Garth, C., Van Straalen, B. Borovikov, S., Martin, D.F., and Joy, K.I., "On the computation of integral curves in adaptive mesh refinement vector fields", Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar on Scientific Visualization 2009, Schloss Dagstuhl, 2011, 2:73-91, LBNL 4972E,
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Min-Yu Huang, Gunther H. Weber, Xiao-Yong Li, Mark D. Biggin, and Bernd Hamann, "Quantitative Visualization of ChIP-chip Data by Using Linked Views", Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 2010 (IEEE BIBM 2010) Workshops, Workshop on Integrative Data Analysis in Systems Biology (IDASB), Los Alamitos, California, IEEE Computer Society Press, December 8, 2010, 195-200, LBNL 4491E,
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Patrick Oesterling, Gerik Scheuermann, Sven Teresniak, Gerhard Heyer, Steffen Koch, Thomas Ertl, Gunther H. Weber, "Two-stage Framework for a Topology-Based Projection and Visualization of Classified Document Collections", Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 2010, LBNL 4074E,
Oliver R\ ubel, Sean Ahern, E Wes Bethel, Mark D Biggin, Hank Childs, Estelle Cormier-Michel, Angela DePace, Michael B Eisen, Charless C Fowlkes, Cameron GR Geddes, others, "Coupling visualization and data analysis for knowledge discovery from multi-dimensional scientific data", Procedia computer science, Elsevier, January 2010, 1:1757--1764, LBNL 3669E,
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Gunther Weber, "Recent advances in visit: Amr streamlines and query-driven visualization", 2010,
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Oliver Rübel, Sean Ahern, E. Wes Bethel, D. Biggin, Hank Childs, Estelle, Angela DePace, Michael B. Eisen Charless C. Fowlkes, Cameron G. R. Geddes, Hagen, Bernd Hamann, Min-Yu Huang, Soile E. Keränen, David W. Knowles, Cris L. Hendriks, Jitendra Malik, Jeremy Meredith Peter Messmer, Prabhat, Daniela Ushizima, H. Weber, Kesheng Wu, "Coupling visualization and data analysis for knowledge from multi-dimensional scientific data", Procedia Computer Science, 2010, 1:1751--1758, doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2010.04.197
D. Pugmire, H. Childs, C. Garth, S. Ahern, G.H. Weber, "Scalable computation of streamlines on very large datasets", Proc. Supercomputing, Portland, OR, USA, November 2009, LBNL 3264E,
E. W. Bethel, C. Johnson, S. Ahern, J. Bell, P.-T. Bremer, H. Childs, E. Cormier-Michel, M. Day, E. Deines, T. Fogal, C. Garth, C. G. R. Geddes, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, C. Hansen, J. Jacobsen, K. Joy, J. Kruger, J. Meredith, P. Messmer, G. Ostrouchov, V. Pascucci, K. Potter, Prabhat, D. Pugmire, O. Rubel, A. Sanderson, C. Silva, D. Ushizima, G. Weber, B. Whitlock, K. Wu, "Occam's Razor and Petascale Visual Data Analysis", SciDAC 2009, J. of Physics: Conference Series, San Diego, California, July 2009, LBNL 2210E,
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PT Bremer, GH Weber, J Tierny, V Pascucci, MS Day, JB Bell, "A topological framework for the interactive exploration of large scale turbulent combustion", e-Science 2009 - 5th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, January 2009, 247--254, LBNL 3183E, doi: 10.1109/e-Science.2009.42
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K Wu, S Ahern, EW Bethel, J Chen, H Childs, C Geddes, J Gu, H Hagen, B Hamann, J Lauret, others, "FastBit: Interactively Searching Massive Data", Proc. of SciDAC 2009, 2009, LBNL 2164E,
- Download File: LBNL-2164E.pdf (pdf: 3.2 MB)
E Bethel, "Modern Scientific Visualization is More than Just Pretty Pictures", January 2009, LBNL 1450E,
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E Wes Bethel, Chris Johnson, Sean Ahern, John Bell, Peer-Timo Bremer, Hank Childs, Estelle Cormier-Michel, Marc Day, Eduard Deines, Tom Fogal, others, "Occam s razor and petascale visual data analysis", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009, 180:012084,
O. Rübel, Prabhat, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, C.G.R. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, S. Ahern, G.H. Weber, P. Messmer, H. Hagen, B. Hamann and E.W. Bethel, "High Performance Multivariate Visual Data Exploration for Extemely Large Data", Supercomputing (SC), Austin, Texas, USA, November 2008, LBNL 716E,
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G.H. Weber, V. Beckner, H. Childs, T. Ligocki, M. Miller, B. van Straalen, E.W. Bethel, "Visualization of Scalar Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data", Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2007 (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series), April 2008, 385:309-320, LBNL 220E,
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Daniela Ushizima, Oliver Rübel, Prabhat, Gunther Weber, E. Wes Bethel, Cecilia Aragon, Cameron Geddes, Estelle Cormier-Michel, Bernd Hamann, Peter Messmer, Hans Hagen, "Automated Analysis for Detecting Beams in Laser Wakefield Simulations", 2008 Seventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, Proceedings of IEEE ICMLA'08, 2008, 382-387, LBNL 960E,
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E. Wes Bethel, Oliver Rübel, Prabhat, Wu, Gunther H. Weber, Valerio Pascucci Hank Childs, Ajith Mascarenhas, Jeremy, Sean Ahern, "Modern Scientific Visualization is More than Just Pictures", Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: (Astronomical Society of the Pacific Series), St. Thomas, USVI, 2008, 301--317,
Gunther H. Weber, Martin Öhler, Oliver Kreylos, John Shalf, Wes Bethel, Bernd Hamann, Gerik Scheuermann, "Parallel Cell Projection Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data", IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics, 2003, 51-60,
Gunther H. Weber, Oliver Kreylos, Terry J. Ligocki, Jonh Shalf, Hans Hagen, Bernd Hamann, Ken I. Joy, Kwan-Liu Ma, "High-quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data", VMV, 2001, 121-128,
Book Chapters
E. Wes Bethel, Burlen Loring, Utkarsh Ayachit, P. N. Duque, Nicola Ferrier, Joseph Insley, Junmin Gu, Kress, Patrick O’Leary, Dave Pugmire, Silvio Rizzi, Thompson, Will Usher, Gunther H. Weber, Brad Whitlock, Wolf, Kesheng Wu, "Proximity Portability and In Transit, M-to-N Data Partitioning and Movement in SENSEI", In Situ Visualization for Computational Science, ( 2022) doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-81627-8_20
E. Wes Bethel, Burlen Loring, Utkarsh Ayatchit, David Camp, P. N. Duque, Nicola Ferrier, Joseph Insley, Junmin Gu, Kress, Patrick O’Leary, David Pugmire, Silvio Rizzi, Thompson, Gunther H. Weber, Brad Whitlock, Matthew Wolf, Kesheng Wu, "The SENSEI Generic In Situ Interface: Tool and Processing Portability at Scale", In Situ Visualization for Computational Science, ( 2022) doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-81627-8_13
Jan-Tobias Sohns, Gunther H. Weber, Christoph Garth, "Distributed Task-Parallel Topology-Controlled Volume Rendering", Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization VI: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, (Springer International Publishing: 2021) Pages: 55-69 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-83500-2_4
Hamish A. Carr, Julien Tierney, Gunther H. Weber, "Pathological and Test Cases For Reeb Analysis", Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization V: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications", (Springer International Publishing: 2020) Pages: 103--120 doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-43036-8_7
P Oesterling, C Heine, GH Weber, D Morozov, G Scheuermann, "Computing and visualizing time-varying merge trees for high-dimensional data", Mathematics and Visualization, ( 2017) Pages: 87--101 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-44684-4_5
Gunther H. Weber, Helwig Hauser, "Interactive Visual Exploration and Analysis", Mathematics and Visualization, (Springer-Verlag: 2014) Pages: 161--174, LBNL 6655E,
Patrick Oesterling, Christian Heine, Gunther H. Weber, Gerik Scheuermann, "A Topology-Based Approach to Visualize the Thematic Composition of Document Collections", Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing, (Springer International Publishing: 2014) Pages: 63-85 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12655-5_4
K Beketayev, D Yeliussizov, D Morozov, GH Weber, B Hamann, "Measuring the distance between merge trees", Mathematics and Visualization, ( 2014) Pages: 151--165 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04099-8_10
Dmitriy Morozov, Gunther H Weber, "Distributed Contour Trees", Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization III, (Springer International Publishing: 2014) Pages: 89--102 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04099-8\_6
Hank Childs, Eric Brugger, Brad Whitlock, Jeremy Meredith, Sean Ahern, David Pugmire, Kathleen Biagas, Mark Miller, Cyrus Harrison, Gunther H. Weber, Hari Krishnan, Thomas Fogal, Allen Sanderson, Christoph Garth, E. Wes Bethel, David Camp, Oliver Rubel, Marc Durant, Jean M. Favre, Paul Navratil, "VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data", High Performance Visualization---Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight, ( October 2012) Pages: 357--372
Hank Childs, David Pugmire, Sean Ahern, Brad Whitlock, Mark Howison, Prabhat, Gunther Weber, E. Wes Bethel, "Visualization at Extreme Scale Concurrency", High Performance Visualization---Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight, ( October 2012) Pages: 291--306
O. Rübel, S.V.E. Keränen, M.D. Biggin, D.W. Knowles, G.H. Weber, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, and E.W. Bethel, "Linking Advanced Visualization and MATLAB for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data", Mathematics and Visualization, Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences II, Progress and New Challenges, edited by L. Linsen and B. Hamann and H. Hagen and H.-C. Hege, (Springer Verlag: 2012) Pages: 267-285, LBNL 4891E,
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Weber, G.H., Bremer, P.-T. and Pascucci, V., "Topological Cacti: Visualizing Contour-based Statistics", Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization II, (Springer Verlag: 2011) Pages: 63-76, LBNL 5018E,
G Weber, PT Bremer, M Day, J Bell, V Pascucci, "Feature tracking using Reeb graphs", Mathematics and Visualization, ( 2011) Pages: 241--253, LBNL 4226E, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-15014-2_20
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Daniela Ushizima, Cameron Geddes, Estelle Cormier-Michel, E. Wes Bethel, Janet Jacobsen, Prabhat, Oliver Rubel, Gunther Weber, Bernard Hamann, Peter Messmer, Hans Hagen, "Automated detection and analysis of particle beams in laser-plasma accelerator simulations", Machine Learning, edited by Yagang Zhang, (In-Teh: February 2010) Pages: 367-389, LBNL 3845E,
N. Shah, N., S. E. Dillard, G.H. Weber, B. Hamann, "Volume visualization of multiple alignment of large genomic DNA", Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration, edited by Torsten Moller and Bernd Hamann and Robert Russell, (Springer-Verlag: July 2009) Pages: 325-342, LBNL 63126,
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M. Hlawitschka, G.H. Weber, A. Anwander, O.T. Carmichael, B. Hamann and G. Scheuermann, "Interactive Volume Rendering of Diffusion Tensor Data", Visualization and Processing of Tensor Fields: Advances and Perspectives, (Springer-Verlag: April 2009) Pages: 161-176, LBNL 2286E,
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O. Rübel, G. H. Weber, M-Y Huang, E. W. Bethel, S. V. E. Keränen, C. C. Fowlkes, C. L. Luengo Hendriks, A. H. DePace, L. Simirenko, M. B. Eisen, M. D. Biggin, H. Hagen, J. Malik, D. W. Knowles and B. Hamann, "PointCloudXplore 2: Visual Exploration of 3D Gene Expression", Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets, edited by C. Garth, H. Hagen, M. Hering-Bertram, (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik (GI): 2008) LBNL 249E,
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M.-Y. Huang, O. Rübel, G.H. Weber, C.L. Luengo Hendriks, M.D. Biggin, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, "Segmenting Gene Expression Patterns of Early-stage Drosophila Embryos.", Mathematical Methods for Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, edited by L. Linsen, H. Hagen, B. Hamann, (Springer-Verlag: January 2008) Pages: 313--327, LBNL 62450,
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E. Wes Bethel, David Camp, Hank Childs, Mark Howison, Hari Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Joerg Meyer, Prabhat, Oliver Ruebel, Daniela Ushizima, Gunther Weber, "Towards Exascale: High Performance Visualization and Analytics – Project Status Report. Technical Report", DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 2012,
Gunther H. Weber, Kenes Beketayev, Peer-Timo Bremer, Bernd Hamann, Maciej Haranczyk, Mario Hlawitschka, Valerio Pascucci, "Comprehensible Presentation of Topological Information", Status report for DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 2012, LBNL 5693E,
Gunther H. Weber, Peer-Timo Bremer, "In-situ Analysis: Challenges and Opportunities", Position paper for DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 2012, LBNL 5692E,
MacCarthy, B., Carr, H., Weber, G.H., "Topological Galleries: A High Level User Interface for Topology Controlled Volume Rendering", 2011, LBNL 5019E,
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Gunther H. Weber, Dmitriy Morozov, Kenes Beketayev, John Bell, Peer-Timo Bremer, Marc Day, Bernd Hamann, Christian Heine, Maciej Haranczyk, Mario Hlawitschka, Valerio Pascucci, Patrick Oesterling, Gerik Scheuermann, "Topology-based Visualization and Analysis of High-dimensional Data and Time-varying Data at the Extreme Scale", DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 2012,
Ushizima, D.M., Weber, G., Morozov, D., Bethel, W., Sethian, J.A., "Algorithms for Microstructure Description applied to Microtomography", Carbon Cycle 2.0 Symposium, February 10, 2012,
M Prabhat, S Byna, C Paciorek, G Weber, K Wu, T Yopes, MF Wehner, G Ostrouchov, D Pugmire, R Strelitz, others, "Pattern Detection and Extreme Value Analysis on Large Climate Data", AGUFM, Pages: IN41C--03 January 2011,
O. Rübel, Prabhat, K. Wu, H. Childs, J. Meredith, C.G.R. Geddes, E. Cormier-Michel, S. Ahern, G.H. Weber, P. Messmer, H. Hagen, B. Hamann and E.W. Bethel, "Application of High-performance Visual Analysis Methods to Laser Wakefield Particle Acceleration Data", IEEE Visualization 2008, October 2008,
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Prabhat, S. Byna, C. Paciorek, G. Weber, Wu, T. Yopes, M. Wehner, W. Collins, G., R. Strelitz, E. W. Bethel, Pattern Detection and Extreme Value Analysis on Large Data, DOE/BER Climate and Earth System Modeling PI Meeting, 2011,
C. Garth, E. Deines, K. Joy, E. W. Bethel, H. Childs, G. Weber, S. Ahern, D. Pugmire, A. Sanderson, C. Johnson, Twists and Turns: Vector Field Visual Data Analysis for Petascale Computational Science, SciDAC Review, Pages: 10-21, 2009,
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C. G. R. Geddes, E Cormier-Michel, E. H. Esarey, C. B. Schroeder, J.-L. Vay, W. P. Leemans, D. L.. Bruhwiler, J. R. Cary, B. Cowan, M. Durant, P. Hamill, P. Messmer, P. Mullowney, C. Nieter, K. Paul, S. Shasharina, S. Veitzer, G. Weber, O. Rübel, D. Ushizima, Prabhat, E. W.Bethel, K. Wu, Large Fields for Smaller Facility Sources, SciDAC Review, Pages: 13-21, 2009,
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E. Wes Bethel, Chris Johnson, Charles Hansen, Claudio Silva, Steven Parker, Allen Sanderson, Lee Myers, Martin Cole, Xavier Tricoche, Sean Ahern, George Ostrouchov, Dave Pugmire, Jamison Daniel, Jeremy Meredith, Valerio Pascucci, Hank Childs, Peer-Timo Bremer, Ajith Mascarenhas, Ken Joy, Bernd Hamann, Christoph Garth, Cecilia Aragon, Gunther Weber, and Prabhat, Seeing the Unseeable, SciDAC Review, Pages: 24-33, 2008,
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