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Applied Mathematics Department

The Applied Mathematics Department is comprised of the Center for Computational Sciences & Engineering and the Scalable Solvers Group. The department develops advanced mathematical models and efficient computational algorithms for solving scientific and engineering problems of interest to the Department of Energy, including in particular those related to energy and the environment. Sample scientific and engineering areas include accelerator physics, astrophysics, climate, combustion, cosmology, and multiphase flow.  Many of the algorithms have scalable implementations that are targeted at current and next-generation massively parallel computer architectures, such as those available at NERSC. Some of the implementations are also available in the form of user-callable software frameworks and libraries.

Department Head: Ann Almgren

Center for Computational Sciences & Engineering

The Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering (CCSE) develops and applies advanced computational methodologies to solve large-scale scientific and engineering problems arising in the Department of Energy (DOE) mission areas involving energy, environment, and industrial technology. Read More »

Scalable Solvers Group

Researchers in the Scalable Solvers Group develop efficient linear and eigensolver algorithms and fast, scalable, library implementations. Read More »
