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Machine Learning Opens New Doors in Traumatic Brain Injury Research

February 12, 2024

In a paper published in Nature Scientific Reports, researchers from Berkeley Lab, UCSF, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the University of California Berkeley – in conjunction with the TRACK-TBI collaboration – describe how an innovative machine learning approach can enhance the prognosis and understanding of traumatic brain injury and other complex medical conditions. Read More »

In a Warming World, Climate Scientists Consider Category 6 Hurricanes

February 5, 2024

As increasing ocean temperatures contribute to more intense and destructive hurricanes, climate scientists wonder whether the open-ended Category 5 on the Saffir-Simpson Windscale is sufficient to communicate the risk of hurricane damage in a warming climate. Read More »

New Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithm Developed at Berkeley Lab Sets World Record

January 17, 2024

A team of researchers from Berkeley Lab’s CAMERA developed a new tomographic reconstruction algorithm, TomoCAM, that leverages advanced mathematical techniques and GPU-based computing. Their method set a new world record by surpassing the speed of existing state-of-the-art iterative tomographic reconstruction algorithms. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Researchers Publish Pioneering Book on Autonomous Experimentation

January 2, 2024

Just as auto-complete was revolutionary for text composition, autonomous experimentation will change how experiments are performed. Berkeley Lab’s Marcus Noack and Daniela Ushizima published the first-ever book dedicated to this topic. Read More »

CSA Staff Bring Diverse Research Efforts to 2023 AGU Fall Meeting

December 6, 2023

When approximately 25,000 attendees convene in San Francisco for the 2023 American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting, a number of Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Area staff will be among them, giving invited talks, presenting papers, and showing posters. The meeting will be held from December 11-15 at Moscone Center and online. Read More »

Former CS Area Intern Wins Student Research Award at SC23

December 4, 2023

Ronak Singh Monga, a research intern at Berkeley Lab this past summer, won first place in the ACM’s Student Research Competition for Undergraduates for his work involving in-network data caches. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Machine Learning Experts Share Exciting Scientific Developments at NeurIPS 2023

November 30, 2023

In less than two weeks, several Berkeley Lab machine learning experts head to New Orleans for the 37th Conference on Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), held this year from December 10-16, 2023. Read More »

2023 Hopper Fellow Embraces the Challenges of Large-Scale Science

November 21, 2023

David Tench, the 2023 Grace Hopper postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), describes discovering his fellowship opportunity as a “Goldilocks moment.” Read More »

The Future is Bright: CAMERA Mathematics for Accelerating Scientific Discovery

November 20, 2023

Berkeley Lab’s CAMERA will expand its work on developing new mathematics, algorithms, software, autonomous workflows, and real-time edge mathematics for the DOE’s next-generation X-ray light sources and neutron scattering facilities.  Read More »

Berkeley Lab CS Area to Share Computing Expertise at SC23

November 7, 2023

CSA researchers, scientists, and engineers are participating in a variety of tutorials, workshops, panels, technical papers, and posters as part of SC23's technical program. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Leading the Way with New Cybersecurity Projects

November 6, 2023

The DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response recently announced $39 million in funding for nine new National Laboratory projects to advance the cybersecurity of distributed energy resources, including two projects led by Berkeley Lab.
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Newest Alvarez Fellow Applies Math, Physics, and Quantum Skills to Renewable Energy

October 30, 2023

Erika Ye has joined the Scalable Solvers Group in the Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, where she is working on an algoritm aimed at solving classical partial differential equations with reduced computational cost. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Collaborations Help Illuminate Earth's Biodiversity

October 25, 2023

Researchers in Berkeley Lab’s Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division and at the Joint Genome Institute, with the help of supercomputers at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center and support from the Department of Energy’s Exabiome Exascale Computing Project, have developed new tools to advance the field of metagenomics and expand scientists’ understanding of our world’s biodiversity. Read More »

Berkeley Lab to Partner with Jefferson Lab to Build $300+ Million High Performance Data Facility Hub

October 16, 2023

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced the selection of Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) as the lead for its new High Performance Data Facility Hub. Jefferson Lab will partner with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) to form a joint project team led by Jefferson Lab. Read More »

2023 Egon Balas Prize Awarded to Berkeley Lab’s Stefan Wild

October 13, 2023

AMCR Director Stefan Wild was awarded the INFORMS Optimization Society’s 2023 Egon Balas Prize for his fundamental contributions to derivative-free optimization. Read More »

Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Research Staff Honored with Seven Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement

October 10, 2023

Six Director’s Awards for Exceptional Achievement will be awarded to Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences staff at an awards ceremony held on Wednesday, November 8. The Director’s Awards program recognizes the significant achievements of Lab employees. Read More »

Engaging Neuroscience Community Remains Top of Mind for Neurodata Without Borders Team

September 25, 2023

As adoption of the NWB standard and ecosystem grow, training and data sharing opportunities for the neuroscience community broaden worldwide. Read More »

Ana Kupresanin Tapped to Lead Berkeley Lab's Scientific Data Division

September 13, 2023

Ana Kupresanin has been selected to serve as the next division director for Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Scientific Data Division in the Computing Sciences Area. Her appointment will be effective October 9, 2023. Read More »

Epidemiological Modeling in the Exascale Era

September 8, 2023

With funding from DOE’ss BRaVE initiative, the Berkeley Lab-led EMERGE project will expand the capabilities of ExaEpi, an exascale-ready epidemiological agent-based model to target six diseases. Read More »

Data Processing Pipeline Transforms Planck Mission Discovery

September 7, 2023

Reijo Keskitalo, a member of SciData’s Computational Cosmology Center, was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for “developing novel tools and approaches for maximizing NASA’s understanding of the universe from the Planck mission data.” Read More »

SULI Program Helps Computing Sciences Area Summer Interns Break New Ground

August 31, 2023

The DOE SULI program is designed to encourage undergraduate students from two- and four-year colleges, post-baccalaureates, and graduate students to pursue STEM careers by providing research internships at DOE national laboratories. Read More »

“Debfest,” Celebrating Deb Agarwal’s Contributions to Science and Berkeley Lab Culture

July 17, 2023

On Friday, July 7, former Scientific Data Division Director Deb Agarwal’s family, friends, and colleagues gathered at UC Berkeley’s Faculty Club to celebrate her 29-year career and contributions to Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences area—an event jokingly dubbed “Debfest.” Read More »

Using Deep Learning to Better Assess Lithium Metal Battery Performance

July 14, 2023

A team of researchers from CAMERA, Berkeley Lab, UC Irvine, and Argonne have developed batteryNET, a deep learning algorithm that enhances the assessment of lithium agglomeration in solid-state lithium metal batteries. Read More »

Craig Leres to Retire after 40+ Years with Berkeley Lab

July 11, 2023

Craig Leres, a hardware, operating systems, and networking engineer in the Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences Area’s Scientific Data Division and the Lab’s Cyber Security Group, is retiring this July after 40-plus years at the Lab. Read More »

Peter Schwartz Retires from Berkeley Lab after 22 Years in Computing Sciences

July 11, 2023

For Peter Schwartz, a research scientist who joined the Computing Sciences Area’s Applied Numerical Algorithms Group in 2001, math has long been a pathway. Now, after 20+ years at Berkeley Lab, Schwartz is moving on to his next adventure. Read More »