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CRD’s Helen He Develops Method for Easier Use of Community Climate System Model

April 8, 2006

As part of a comprehensive national project to provide U.S. climate researchers with state-of-the-art modeling capabilities, Yun “Helen” He of CRD’s Scientific Computing Group has developed a “single executable” mode for the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) on NERSC’s IBM SP. CCSM consists of separate programs for modeling atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land surface and a flux coupler linking the four components. These components are integrated together in original multiple… Read More »

Enron Email Database Proves Easy Pickings for LBNL’s FastBit Search Technology

February 10, 2006

As the trial of former Enron executives gets under way, the extensive email trails left by employees of the Houston energy firm are expected to provide both compelling evidence and entertaining insight. In 2003, as part of an investigation into Enron’s business dealings in California, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission made public a database containing more than 500,000 emails sent by 151 Enron employees. Subjects ranged from corporate decisions to jokes to personal matters. While the… Read More »

CRD’s pyGlobus Tools Proving Popular

January 10, 2006

CRD’s Distributed Systems Department (DSD), which has led the development of the de facto standard tools for developing Grid Services, applications and portals using the Python programming language, proved a popular draw at the LBNL booth at the SC05 conference in Seattle. Python is a high-level interpreted language that supports a rapid application development cycle. Python’s minimal syntax makes it an ideal language for use by non-computer scientists. It also easily supports binding… Read More »

Former DOE Fellow Wilkening Returns to Berkeley

January 9, 2006

Jon Wilkening, who earned his Ph.D. in 2002 from UC Berkeley working with CRD Math Group Lead James Sethian, has returned to Berkeley as an assistant professor and collaborator with the Math Group. Wilkening accepted a DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship in 1997 (while declining an NSF fellowship) and was named a Fred A. Howes Scholar in Computational Science in 2003. As a DOE fellow, he worked as a research assistant in the Math Group from 1997 to 2002. His general research interests… Read More »