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Lavanya Ramakrishnan Presents at JSSPP and ESSA

July 8, 2022

By Carol Pott

The volume, veracity, and velocity of data generated by scientific tools have grown exponentially in the last decade. This boom has fundamentally changed the scientific workflow running on high performance computing (HPC) systems.

Lavanya Ramakrishnan, senior scientist and deputy director of the Scientific Data Division, thinks a lot about workflows and the data lifecycle challenges on HPC systems, including the effective use of storage hierarchy, managing complex scientific data processing, and enabling search on large-scale scientific data.

In a June 3 keynote at the 25th annual Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, Ramakrishnan explained that new workflow characteristics coming from data impacts the design of next generation infrastructure. Ramakrishnan also presented on data lifecycle challenges in HPC in an invited talk at ESSA 2022, the 3rd Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis on the same day.

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