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Tradition of Cosmic Microwave Background Data Analysis Continues with Planck

October 30, 2009

One of Planck's first images is shown as a strip superimposed over a two-dimensional projection of the whole sky as seen in visible light. Image credit: ESA, LFI & HFI Consortia; background optical image: Axel Mellinger More than 95 percent of our universe is made up of mysteriously "dark" materials—approximately 22 percent of it is… Read More »

Berkeley Lab Checkpoint Restart Saves Big Problems

February 9, 2009

A combustion researcher may run hundreds of hours of simulations on a supercomputer in search of the most efficient fuel-air mixture for a flame. But if the system crashes, then all the data from the run might be lost and the researchers forced to start over The new version Berkeley Lab Checkpoint Restart (BCLR) software, released in January 2009, could mean that scientists running extensive calculations will be able to recover from such a crash – if they are running on a Linux cluster. This… Read More »

New Tools for Sharing Wealth of Data to Study Global Resources Issues

January 20, 2009

As they strive to develop effective strategies for guarding water supplies, protecting endangered species and curbing greenhouse gases, environmental scientists are turning to innovative cyber-infrastructures and data-mining tools developed by an ongoing collaboration between researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Microsoft Research, and the University of California, Berkeley. The Microsoft e-Science program is the primary funder of this project, which is one of numerous ventures… Read More »