Horst D. Simon

Senior Computer Scientist
Phone: 510-486-6100
Journal Articles
Jung Heon Song, Kesheng Wu, Horst D Simon, "Parameter Analysis of the VPIN (Volume synchronized of Informed Trading) Metric", Quantitative Financial Risk Management: Theory and, 2014,
Ichitaro Yamazaki, Zhaojun Bai, Horst D. Simon Lin-Wang Wang, Kesheng Wu, "Adaptive Projection Subspace Dimension for the Lanczos Method", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2010, 37, doi: 10.1145/1824801.1824805
L. Oliker, A. Canning, J. Carter, J. Shalf, H. Simon, S. Ethier, D. Parks, S. Kitawaki, Y. Tsuda, T. Sato, "Performance of Ultra-Scale Applications on Leading Vector and Scalar HPC Platforms", Journal of the Earth Simulator, January 2005, 3,
- Download File: JES3-Oliker.pdf (pdf: 101 KB)
H. Simon, W. Kramer, W. Saphir, J. Shalf, D. Bailey, L. Oliker, et al, "Science Driven System Architecture: A New Process for Leadership Class Computing", Journal of the Earth Simulator, 2005,
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Kesheng Wu, Horst Simon, "Thick-restart Lanczos method for large symmetric problems", SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2000, 22:602--616,
Kesheng Wu, Horst Simon, "A Parallel Lanczos method for symmetric generalized problems", Computing and Visualization in Science, 1999, 2:37--46,
Kesheng Wu, Andrew Canning, Horst D. Simon, Wang, "Thick-Restart Lanczos method for electronic calculations", Journal of Computational Physics, 1999, 154:156--173,
K Wu, A Canning, HD Simon, LW Wang, "Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Electronic Structure Calculations", Journal of Computational Physics, 1999, 154:156--173,
Conference Papers
Jung Heon Song, Marcos L\ opez de Prado, Horst Simon, Kesheng Wu, "Exploring Irregular Time Series Through Non-uniform Fourier Transform", WHPCF 14, Piscataway, NJ, USA, IEEE Press, 2014, 37--44, doi: 10.1109/WHPCF.2014.8
William Gu, Jaesik Choi, Ming Gu, Horst Simon, Kesheng Wu, "Fast Change Point Detection for Electricity Market Analysis", IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2013, LBNL LBNL-6388E, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2013.6691733
W. Gu, J. Choi, M. Gu, H. D. Simon, K., "Fast Change Point Detection for electricity market", 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2013, 50--57, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2013.6691733
William T.C. Kramer, John M. Shalf, E. Wes Bethel, D. Agarwal, Michael Banda, John Hules, Juan C. Meza, Leonid Oliker, Horst Simon, David Skinner, Francesca Verdier, Howard Walter, Michael Wehner, and Katherine Yelick, "HPC in 2016: A View Point from NERSC", Proceedings of the Cray User Group Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2008,
Horst Simon, William Kramer, William Saphir, John Shalf, David Bailey, Leonid Oliker, Michael Banda, C. William McCurdy, John Hules, Andrew Canning, Marc Day, Philip Colella, David Serafini, Michael Wehner, Peter Nugent, "Science-Driven System Architecture: A New Process for Leadership Class Computing", Journal of the Earth Simulator, Volume 2., 2005, LBNL 56545,
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