Hari Krishnan

Hari Krishnan holds a Ph.D. in computer science and leads the Software Design for Experimental Science Group. As a computer systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, his research focuses on scientific visualization on HPC platforms and many-core architectures. He leads the development effort on several HPC-related projects which includes research on new visualization methods, optimizing scaling and performance on NERSC machines, working on data model optimized I/O libraries, and enabling remote workflow services. As a member of The Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications(CAMERA), he supports the development of the software infrastructure, works on accelerating image analysis algorithms and reconstruction techniques. He is also an active developer of several major open-source projects which include VisIt, NiCE, H5hut, and has developed plugins that support performant-centric scalable image filtering and analysis routines in Fiji/ImageJ.
Journal Articles
Dáithí A Stone, Mark D Risser, Oliver M Angélil, Michael F Wehner, Shreyas Cholia, Noel Keen, Harinarayan Krishnan, Travis A O Brien, William D Collins, "A basis set for exploration of sensitivity to prescribed ocean conditions for estimating human contributions to extreme weather in CAM5. 1-1degree", Weather and climate extremes, 2018, 19:10--19,
MF Wehner, KA Reed, B Loring, D Stone, H Krishnan, "Changes in tropical cyclones under stabilized 1.5 and 2.0°C global warming scenarios as simulated by the Community Atmospheric Model under the HAPPI protocols", Earth System Dynamics, 2018, 9:187--195, doi: 10.5194/esd-9-187-2018
RJ Pandolfi, DB Allan, E Arenholz, L Barroso-Luque, SI Campbell, TA Caswell, A Blair, F De Carlo, S Fackler, AP Fournier, G Freychet, M Fukuto, D Gürsoy, Z Jiang, H Krishnan, D Kumar, RJ Kline, R Li, C Liman, S Marchesini, A Mehta, AT N Diaye, DY Parkinson, H Parks, LA Pellouchoud, T Perciano, F Ren, S Sahoo, J Strzalka, D Sunday, CJ Tassone, D Ushizima, S Venkatakrishnan, KG Yager, P Zwart, JA Sethian, A Hexemer, "Xi-cam: a versatile interface for data visualization and analysis", Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2018, 25:1261--1270, doi: 10.1107/S1600577518005787
Timmermans, B., D. Stone, M. Wehner, and H. Krishnan, "Impact of tropical cyclones on modeled wind-wave climate", Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 44:1393-1401, doi: 10.1002/2016GL071681
T Perciano, D Ushizima, H Krishnan, D Parkinson, N Larson, DM Pelt, W Bethel, F Zok, J Sethian, "Insight into 3D micro-CT data: Exploring segmentation algorithms through performance metrics", Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2017, 24:1065--1077, doi: 10.1107/S1600577517010955
M Farmand, R Celestre, P Denes, ALD Kilcoyne, S Marchesini, H Padmore, T Tyliszczak, T Warwick, X Shi, J Lee, YS Yu, J Cabana, J Joseph, H Krishnan, T Perciano, FRNC Maia, DA Shapiro, "Near-edge X-ray refraction fine structure microscopy", Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110, doi: 10.1063/1.4975377
Benedikt J Daurer, Hari Krishnan, Talita Perciano, Filipe RNC Maia, David A Shapiro, James A Sethian, Stefano Marchesini, "Nanosurveyor: a framework for real-time data processing", Advanced structural and chemical imaging, 2017, 3:7,
O Angélil, D Stone, M Wehner, CJ Paciorek, H Krishnan, W Collins, "An independent assessment of anthropogenic attribution statements for recent extreme temperature and rainfall events", Journal of Climate, 2017, 30:5--16, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0077.1
M. Wehner, D. Stone, H. Krishnan, K. AchutaRao, F. Castillo, "The deadly combination of heat and humidity in India and Pakistan in summer 201", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2016, 97:S81-S86, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0145.2
S Marchesini, H Krishnan, BJ Daurer, DA Shapiro, T Perciano, JA Sethian, FRNC Maia, "SHARP: A distributed GPU-based ptychographic solver", Journal of Applied Crystallography, 2016, 49:1245--1252, doi: 10.1107/S1600576716008074
Deborah A Agarwal, Boris Faybishenko, Vicky L Freedman, Harinarayan Krishnan, Gary Kushner, Carina Lansing, Ellen Porter, Alexandru Romosan, Arie Shoshani, Haruko Wainwright, others, "A science data gateway for environmental management", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016, 28:1994--2004,
DM Ushizima, HA Bale, EW Bethel, P Ercius, BA Helms, H Krishnan, LT Grinberg, M Haranczyk, AA Macdowell, K Odziomek, DY Parkinson, T Perciano, RO Ritchie, C Yang, "IDEAL: Images Across Domains, Experiments, Algorithms and Learning", JOM, 2016, 68:2963--2972, doi: 10.1007/s11837-016-2098-4
J Donatelli, M Haranczyk, A Hexemer, H Krishnan, X Li, L Lin, F Maia, S Marchesini, D Parkinson, T Perciano, D Shapiro, D Ushizima, C Yang, JA Sethian, "CAMERA: The Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications", Synchrotron Radiation News, 2015, 28:4--9, doi: 10.1080/08940886.2015.1013413
Tamay M. Ozgokmen, Andrew C. Poje, Paul F. Fischer, Hank Childs, Harinarayan Krishnan, Christoph Garth, Angelique C. Haza, Edward Ryan, "On multi-scale dispersion under the influence of surface mixed layer instabilities", Ocean Modelling, October 2012, 56:16-30,
Conference Papers
P Enfedaque, H Chang, H Krishnan, S Marchesini, "GPU-based implementation of ptycho-ADMM for high performance x-ray imaging", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2018, 10860 LN:540--553, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93698-7_41
S Swaid, M Maat, H Krishnan, D Ghoshal, L Ramakrishnan, "Usability heuristic evaluation of scientific data analysis and visualization tools", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018, 607:471--482, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-60492-3_45
T Perciano, D Ushizima, H Krishnan, D Parkinson, J Sethian, "FibriPy: A software environment for fiber analysis from 3D micro-computed tomography data", Advanced Materials - TechConnect Briefs 2017, 2017, 1:25--28,
DY Parkinson, DM Pelt, T Perciano, D Ushizima, H Krishnan, HS Barnard, AA MacDowell, J Sethian, "Machine learning for micro-tomography", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2017, 10391, doi: 10.1117/12.2274731
SV Venkatakrishnan, KA Mohan, K Beattie, J Correa, E Dart, JR Deslippe, A Hexemer, H Krishnan, AA MacDowell, S Marchesini, SJ Patton, T Perciano, JA Sethian, R Stromsness, BL Tierney, CE Tull, D Ushizima, DY Parkinson, "Making advanced scientific algorithms and big scientific data management more accessible", IS and T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, 2016, doi: 10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.19.COIMG-155
DY Parkinson, K Beattie, X Chen, J Correa, E Dart, BJ Daurer, JR Deslippe, A Hexemer, H Krishnan, AA Macdowell, FRNC Maia, S Marchesini, HA Padmore, SJ Patton, T Perciano, JA Sethian, D Shapiro, R Stromsness, N Tamura, BL Tierney, CE Tull, D Ushizima, "Real-time data-intensive computing", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016, 1741, doi: 10.1063/1.4952921
D Ushizima, T Perciano, H Krishnan, B Loring, H Bale, D Parkinson, J Sethian, "Structure recognition from high resolution images of ceramic composites", Proceedings - 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, IEEE Big Data 2014, 2014, 683--691, doi: 10.1109/BigData.2014.7004292
David Camp, Hari Krishnan, David Pugmire, Christoph Garth, Ian Johnson, E. Wes Bethel, Kenneth I. Joy, and Hank Childs., "GPU Acceleration of Particle Advection Workloads in a Parallel, Distributed Memory Setting", Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV), May 5, 2013,
Book Chapters
Hank Childs, Eric Brugger, Brad Whitlock, Jeremy Meredith, Sean Ahern, David Pugmire, Kathleen Biagas, Mark Miller, Cyrus Harrison, Gunther H. Weber, Hari Krishnan, Thomas Fogal, Allen Sanderson, Christoph Garth, E. Wes Bethel, David Camp, Oliver Rubel, Marc Durant, Jean M. Favre, Paul Navratil, "VisIt: An End-User Tool For Visualizing and Analyzing Very Large Data", High Performance Visualization---Enabling Extreme-Scale Scientific Insight, ( October 2012) Pages: 357--372
Stone, D. A., H. Krishnan, R. Lance, S. Sippel, and M. F. Wehner, "The First and Second Hackathons of the International CLIVAR C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project", CLIVAR Exchanges, 2017,
- Download File: StoneDA-KrishnanH-etalii-2017.pdf (pdf: 636 KB)
E. Wes Bethel, David Camp, Hank Childs, Mark Howison, Hari Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Joerg Meyer, Prabhat, Oliver Ruebel, Daniela Ushizima, Gunther Weber, "Towards Exascale: High Performance Visualization and Analytics – Project Status Report. Technical Report", DOE Exascale Research Conference, April 2012,
Burlen Loring, Suren Byna, Prabhat, Junmin Gu, Hari Krishnan, Michael Wehner, and Oliver Ruebel, "TECA an Extreme Event Detection and Climate Analysis Package for High Performance Computing", The AMS (American Meteorological Society) 96th Annual Meeting, January 6, 2016,
Harinarayan Krishnan, Burlen Loring, Suren Byna, Michael F. Wehner, Travis A. O'Brien, Prabhat, Chris Paciorek, and Daithi Stone, "Enabling End-to-End Climate Science Workflows in High Performance Computing Environments", The AMS (American Meteorological Society) 96th Annual Meeting, January 6, 2016,
Stone, D., H. Shiogama, P. Wolski, O. Angélil, S. Cholias, N. Christidis, A. Dittus, C. Folland, A. King, J. Kinter, H. Krishnan, S.-K. Min, M. Wehner, "The C20C+ Detection and Attribution Project", Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 2015,
- Download File: StoneDAGU2015.pdf (pdf: 4.7 MB)