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Math for Experimental Data Analysis

Jeffrey Donatelli

XBD 202407 143 008
Jeffrey Donatelli
Staff Scientist, Group Lead


Jeffrey Donatelli is a computational staff scientist who leads the Mathematics for Experimental Science Group in the Mathematics Department at Berkeley Lab. He is also the deputy director and math lead of the Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA). He received his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from UC Berkeley in 2013. He was a DOE Computational Science Graduate Student Fellow from 2009 to 2013. His research interests include numerical analysis, computational harmonic analysis, and high-performance computing applied to problems in imaging. His recent work has focused on developing new mathematics and algorithms to solve challenging inverse problems arising from emerging X-ray experiments enabled by free-electron lasers, including fluctuation X-ray scattering, single-particle diffraction, and X-ray nanocrystallography.