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Applied Numerical Algorithms Group

William Thacher

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Will Thacher
Graduate Student Researcher

Will Thacher is a second-year grad student in the Applied Science and Technology Group at UC Berkeley studying applied math and scientific computing. He graduated from Georgetown University in 2019 with a degree in math and physics.

Will's research interests include numerical analysis, probability theory, and partial differential equations. He is advised by Phil Colella, Hans Johansen, and Dan Martin.

Journal Articles

Will Thacher, Hans Johansen, Daniel Martin, "A high order cut-cell method for solving the shallow-shelf equations", Journal of Computational Science, August 1, 2024, 80, doi: 10.1016/j.jocs.2024.102319

Will Thacher and Hans Johansen and Daniel Martin, "A high order Cartesian grid, finite volume method for elliptic interface problems", Journal of Computational Physics, October 15, 2023, 491, doi: 10.1016/