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Career Opportunities

The Scientific Data (SciData) and Applied Math & Computational Research (AMCR) Divisions expand on Berkeley Lab's proud heritage of team science. We partner with researchers and facilities from across the lab and around the world to apply mathematics and advanced computation to increasingly data-rich and complex scientific questions. 

Interested in joining us? We are looking for talented mathematicians, computer and computational scientists, and postdoctoral researchers passionate about Berkeley Lab’s mission of bringing science solutions to the world.

Meet some of our scientists and learn more about applied mathematics, data science, and computational research in this short video.

Postdoc Fellowships

Computing Sciences at Berkeley Lab is looking for talented and motivated postdoctoral research fellows to conduct leading-edge research, publish and present their findings, collaborate with others in academia and industry, and contribute to the advancement of technology, all while receiving a competitive salary and excellent benefits. Learn more about our programs, how to apply, and how to join our mailing lists. Read More »
