Katherine Rasmussen
Katherine Rasmussen is a Computer Systems Engineer in CLaSS.
Biographical Sketch:
Katherine has a M.A. in Linguistics and is a software developer with experience in grammars and compilers. She has leveraged past experience in Mobile Assisted Language Learning to transition into working in compiler development and various programming languages. Katherine has experience with parsing and disambiguating computer languages, as well as working with processing and building abstract syntax trees (ASTs) for compiler frontends. She has contributed code related to the Fortran language to open-source compiler projects, including to the LLVM Fortran compiler project Flang. She is also a regular contributor to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s open-source compiler-based infrastructure for building source-to-source transformations and analysis tools, ROSE.
Current Projects:
- LLVM Flang Fortran compiler
- Inference-Engine deep learning library
- HEGEL and PLATO hypersonics and plasma simulation software
- Caffeine parallel runtime library
- Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF)
Journal Articles
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, "Caffeine: A parallel runtime library for supporting modern Fortran compilers", Journal of Open Source Software, edited by Daniel S. Katz, March 29, 2025, 10(107), doi: 10.21105/joss.07895
The Fortran programming language standard added features supporting single-program, multiple data (SPMD) parallel programming and loop parallelism beginning with Fortran 2008. In Fortran, SPMD programming involves the creation of a fixed number of images (instances) of a program that execute asynchronously in shared or distributed memory, except where a program uses specific synchronization mechanisms. Fortran’s “coarray’’ distributed data structures offer a subscripted, multidimensional array notation defining a partitioned global address space (PGAS). One image can use this notation for one-sided access to another image’s slice of a coarray.
The CoArray Fortran Framework of Efficient Interfaces to Network Environments (Caffeine) provides a runtime library that supports Fortran’s SPMD features. Caffeine implements inter-process communication by building atop the GASNet-EX exascale networking middleware library. Caffeine is the first implementation of the compiler- and runtime-agnostic Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) specification. Any compiler that targets PRIF can use any runtime that supports PRIF. Caffeine supports researching the novel approach of writing most of a compiler’s parallel runtime library in the language being compiled: Caffeine is primarily implemented using Fortran’s non-parallel features, with a thin C-language layer that invokes the external GASNet-EX communication library. Exploring this approach in open source lowers a barrier to contributions from the compiler’s users: Fortran programmers. Caffeine also facilitates research such as investigating various optimization opportunities that exploit specific hardware such as shared memory or specific interconnects.
Conference Papers
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, "Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF): A Multi-Image Solution for LLVM Flang", Tenth Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC (LLVM-HPC2024), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, IEEE, November 2024, doi: 10.25344/S4N017
- Download File: LLVM-HPC24_PRIF_Slides.pdf (pdf: 975 KB)
Fortran compilers that provide support for Fortran’s native parallel features often do so with a runtime library that depends on details of both the compiler implementation and the communication library, while others provide limited or no support at all. This paper introduces a new generalized interface that is both compiler- and runtime-library-agnostic, providing flexibility while fully supporting all of Fortran’s parallel features. The Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) was developed to be portable across shared- and distributed-memory systems, with varying operating systems, toolchains and architectures. It achieves this by defining a set of Fortran procedures corresponding to each of the parallel features defined in the Fortran standard that may be invoked by a Fortran compiler and implemented by a runtime library. PRIF aims to be used as the solution for LLVM Flang to provide parallel Fortran support. This paper also briefly describes our PRIF prototype implementation: Caffeine.
Damian Rouson, Baboucarr Dibba, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, David Torres, Yunhao Zhang, Ethan Gutmann, Kareem Ergawy, Michael Klemm, Sameer Shende, Just Write Fortran: Experiences with a Language-Based Alternative to MPI+X, Talk at IEEE/ACM Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM), November 2024, doi: 10.25344/S4H88D
Fortran 2023, with its "do concurrent" and coarray parallel programming features, displaces many uses of extra-language parallel programming models such as MPI, OpenMP, and OpenACC. The Cray, Intel, LFortran, LLVM, and NVIDIA compilers automatically parallelize do concurrent in shared memory. The Cray, Intel, and GNU compilers support coarrays in shared- and distributed-memory, while the NAG compiler supports coarrays in shared memory. Thus, language-based parallelism is emerging as a portable alternative to MPI+X.
This talk will present experiences with automatic "do concurrent" parallelization in the deep learning library Inference-Engine and coarray communication in the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR), respectively.
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF): A Compiler/Runtime-Library Agnostic Interface to Support the Parallel Features of Fortran 2023, Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Modern Fortran Minisymposium, June 5, 2024,
- Download File: PRIF-PASC24.pdf (pdf: 1.6 MB)
Fortran 2023 natively supports single-program, multiple-data parallel programming with a partitioned global address space and collective subroutines, synchronization, atomics, locks, and more. Each of the four actively developed compilers that support Fortran’s parallel features uses its own parallel runtime library. The Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) proposes to liberate compiler development from reliance on a single runtime and empower runtime developers to support more than one compiler. PRIF also aims to broaden the community of runtime developers to include the Fortran compiler’s users: Fortran programmers. PRIF does so by specifying the interface in Fortran, which makes it attractive to write the parallel runtime library in Fortran. Additionally, PRIF has been designed to be portable across both shared and distributed memory, varying architectures, as well as different operating systems. In this talk, I will describe the motivation behind the development of PRIF, describe the design of the interface itself and the benefits of adopting it. I will also provide a brief status report on the first PRIF implementation: Caffeine.
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, "Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) Specification, Revision 0.5", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tech Report, December 2024, LBNL 2001636, doi: 10.25344/S4CG6G
This document specifies an interface to support the parallel features of Fortran, named the Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF). PRIF is a proposed solution in which the runtime library is primarily responsible for implementing coarray allocation, deallocation and accesses, image synchronization, atomic operations, events, teams and collective subroutines. In this interface, the compiler is responsible for transforming the invocation of Fortran-level parallel features into procedure calls to the necessary PRIF subroutines. The interface is designed for portability across shared- and distributed-memory machines, different operating systems, and multiple architectures. Implementations of this interface are intended as an augmentation for the compiler's own runtime library. With an implementation-agnostic interface, alternative parallel runtime libraries may be developed that support the same interface. One benefit of this approach is the ability to vary the communication substrate. A central aim of this document is to define a parallel runtime interface in standard Fortran syntax, which enables us to leverage Fortran to succinctly express various properties of the procedure interfaces, including argument attributes.
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, "Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) Specification, Revision 0.4", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tech Report, July 12, 2024, LBNL 2001604, doi: 10.25344/S4WG64
This document specifies an interface to support the parallel features of Fortran, named the Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF). PRIF is a proposed solution in which the runtime library is responsible for coarray allocation, deallocation and accesses, image synchronization, atomic operations, events, and teams. In this interface, the compiler is responsible for transforming the invocation of Fortran-level parallel features into procedure calls to the necessary PRIF procedures. The interface is designed for portability across shared- and distributed-memory machines, different operating systems, and multiple architectures. Implementations of this interface are intended as an augmentation for the compiler’s own runtime library. With an implementation-agnostic interface, alternative parallel runtime libraries may be developed that support the same interface. One benefit of this approach is the ability to vary the communication substrate. A central aim of this document is to define a parallel runtime interface in standard Fortran syntax, which enables us to leverage Fortran to succinctly express various properties of the procedure interfaces, including argument attributes.
Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, Brad Richardson, Damian Rouson, "Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) Specification, Revision 0.3", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tech Report, May 3, 2024, LBNL 2001590, doi: 10.25344/S4501W
This document specifies an interface to support the parallel features of Fortran, named the Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF). PRIF is a proposed solution in which the runtime library is responsible for coarray allocation, deallocation and accesses, image synchronization, atomic operations, events, and teams. In this interface, the compiler is responsible for transforming the invocation of Fortran-level parallel features into procedure calls to the necessary PRIF procedures. The interface is designed for portability across shared- and distributed-memory machines, different operating systems, and multiple architectures. Implementations of this interface are intended as an augmentation for the compiler’s own runtime library. With an implementation-agnostic interface, alternative parallel runtime libraries may be developed that support the same interface. One benefit of this approach is the ability to vary the communication substrate. A central aim of this document is to define a parallel runtime interface in standard Fortran syntax, which enables us to leverage Fortran to succinctly express various properties of the procedure interfaces, including argument attributes.
Damian Rouson, Brad Richardson, Dan Bonachea, Katherine Rasmussen, "Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) Design Document, Revision 0.2", Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Tech Report, December 20, 2023, LBNL 2001563, doi: 10.25344/S4DG6S
This design document proposes an interface to support the parallel features of Fortran, named the Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF). PRIF is a proposed solution in which the runtime library is responsible for coarray allocation, deallocation and accesses, image synchronization, atomic operations, events, and teams. In this interface, the compiler is responsible for transforming the invocation of Fortran-level parallel features into procedure calls to the necessary PRIF procedures. The interface is designed for portability across shared- and distributed-memory machines, different operating systems, and multiple architectures. Implementations of this interface are intended as an augmentation for the compiler’s own runtime library. With an implementation-agnostic interface, alternative parallel runtime libraries may be developed that support the same interface. One benefit of this approach is the ability to vary the communication substrate. A central aim of this document is to define a parallel runtime interface in standard Fortran syntax, which enables us to leverage Fortran to succinctly express various properties of the procedure interfaces, including argument attributes.
Katherine Rasmussen, Damian Rouson, Dan Bonachea, Brad Richardson, "A Full-Stack Exploration of Language-Based Parallelism in Fortran 2023", Poster at CARLA2024: Latin America High Performance Computing Conference, September 30, 2024, doi: 10.25344/S4RP5K
This poster explores native parallel features in Fortran 2023 through the lens of supporting applications with libraries, compilers, and parallel runtimes. The language revision informally named Fortran 2008 introduced parallelism in the form of Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) execution with two broad feature sets: (1) loop-level parallelism via do concurrent and (2) a Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) comprised of distributed “coarray” data structures. Fortran’s native parallelism has demonstrated high performance [1] and reduced the burden of inserting what sometimes amounts to more directives than code. Several compilers support both feature sets, typically by translating do concurrent into serial do loops annotated by parallel directives and by translating SPMD/PGAS features into direct calls to a communication library. Our research focuses primarily on two questions: (1) can the compiler’s parallel runtime library be developed in the language being compiled (Fortran) and (2) can we define an interface to the runtime that liberates compilers from being hardwired to one runtime and vice versa. We are answering these questions by developing the Parallel Runtime Interface for Fortran (PRIF) [2] and the Co-Array Fortran Framework of Efficient Interfaces to Network Environments (Caffeine) [3]. Caffeine is initially targeting adoption by LLVM Flang, a new open-source Fortran compiler developed by a broad community in industry, academia, and government labs. We are also exploring the use of these features in Inference-Engine, a deep learning library designed to facilitate neural network training and inference for high-performance computing applications written in modern Fortran.
Katherine Rasmussen, Damian Rouson, Naje George, Dan Bonachea, Hussain Kadhem, Brian Friesen, "Agile Acceleration of LLVM Flang Support for Fortran 2018 Parallel Programming", Research Poster at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC22), November 2022, doi: 10.25344/S4CP4S
The LLVM Flang compiler ("Flang") is currently Fortran 95 compliant, and the frontend can parse Fortran 2018. However, Flang does not have a comprehensive 2018 test suite and does not fully implement the static semantics of the 2018 standard. We are investigating whether agile software development techniques, such as pair programming and test-driven development (TDD), can help Flang to rapidly progress to Fortran 2018 compliance. Because of the paramount importance of parallelism in high-performance computing, we are focusing on Fortran’s parallel features, commonly denoted “Coarray Fortran.” We are developing what we believe are the first exhaustive, open-source tests for the static semantics of Fortran 2018 parallel features, and contributing them to the LLVM project. A related effort involves writing runtime tests for parallel 2018 features and supporting those tests by developing a new parallel runtime library: the CoArray Fortran Framework of Efficient Interfaces to Network Environments (Caffeine).