Wim Lavrijsen

Biographical Sketch
Wim Lavrijsen is a software engineer who is currently involved in the ATLAS experiment at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). He is the author of the PyROOT dynamic python bindings for the ROOT analysis software package and has developed several nimble performance monitoring tools that work under the heavy constraints of the ATLAS offline software. His interests are in python parallelization for multicore machines, optimization, and compilation.
Conference Papers
Wim Lavrijsen, Costin Iancu, Wibe Albert de Jong, Xin Chen, Karsten Schwan, "Exploiting Variability for Energy Optimization of Load Balanced Parallel Programs", EuroSys 2016, February 5, 2016,
- Download File: iancu-eurosys16.pdf (pdf: 2.6 MB)