Illya Shapoval

A former member of ATLAS and LHCb, two of the four frontier high energy physics (HEP) experiments of the world leading Large Hadron Collider Project @CERN, as well as an active participant of the major Upgrade Initiative for GAUDI – an experiment independent software framework used in several frontier HEP experiments throughout the world (among which stand ATLAS, LHCb, FGST, DayaBay, MINERνA), Illya Shapoval developed the core software solutions for high-throughput, massively concurrent, scalable and adaptive data processing in the next generation of post-2020 HEP experiments. In this context, the horizon of problems he is currently focused on embraces predictive task scheduling algorithms for generic, adaptive and non-intrusive throughput maximization in conditions of non-deterministic task sets and precedence patterns, analytics-based decision making systems for low-latency run-time resolution of irregular task constraints, as well as proactive task scheduling techniques for generic throughput maximization in the context of heterogeneous computing.