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Applied Numerical Algorithms Group

Anne Felden

Anne Felden
Postdoctoral Scholar

I am a postdoctoral scholar in the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group (ANAG) in the Computational Research Division of the Computing Sciences Area at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. My current research revolves around the AMR ice sheet model BISICLES, most specifically its subglacial hydrology sub-component SUHMO.


My research interests initially focused on numerical simulations involving reacting flows, but have now expanded towards development of numerical methods to tackle various PDE based problems. Before joining ANAG, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the CCSE group at LBNL, where I was involved in the development of numerical methods to integrate ODEs on both CPU and GPU. I was one of the main developer of the open-source PeleC (compressible) and PeleLM (Low Mach) direct numerical solvers. I obtained my Ph.D., conducted at CERFACS (Toulouse, France), from INP Toulouse in 2017. The main objective was to develop and implement reduced chemistries in a compressible LES code. The information provided enables, in particular, to study critical phenomena such as soot and pollutant formation.

Journal Articles

Anne M. Felden, Daniel F. Martin, Esmond G. Ng, "SUHMO: an AMR SUbglacial Hydrology MOdel v1.0", Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., July 27, 2022,

A. Felden, P. Pepiot, L. Esclapez, E. Riber and B. Cuenot, "Including analytically reduced chemistry (ARC) in CFD applications", Acta Astronautica, 2019, 158:444-459,

L. Gallen, A. Felden, E. Riber and B. Cuenot, "Lagrangian tracking of soot particles in LES of gas turbines.", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37:5429-5436,

O. Schulz, E. Piccoli, A. Felden, G. Staffelbach and N. Noiray, "Autoignition-cascade in the windward mixing layer of a premixed jet in hot vitiated crossflow", Combustion and Flame, 2019, 201:215-233,

A. Felden, L. Esclapez, E. Riber, B. Cuenot and H. Wang, "Including real fuel chemistry in LES of turbulent spray combustion", Combustion and Flame, 2018, 193:397-416,

A. Felden, E. Riber and B. Cuenot, "Impact of direct integration of Analytically Reduced Chemistry in LES of a sooting swirled non-premixed combustor.", Combustion and Flame, 2018, 191:270-286,


Anne M. Felden, Daniel F. Martin, Esmond G. Ng, SUHMO: An SUbglacial Hydrology MOdel based on the Chombo AMR framework, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13, 2021,