Lindsay Bassman

Biographical Sketch
At the highest level I am interested in enabling simulations of materials on quantum computers. I attack this challenge from several angles. On one front, I develop quantum algorithms for dynamic simulations of quantum many-body systems. One another front, I work on quantum circuit optimization for materials simulations to generate circuits that are short enough to successfully run on near-term quantum computers. On a final front, I develop high-level programming libraries to facilitate quantum circuit generation for materials simulations for researchers coming from various fields of science.
- Bassman, L., Gulania S., Powers C., Li R., Liner, T., Liu, K., Kumar, T.K., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Domain-Specific Compilers for Dynamic Simulations of Quantum Materials on Quantum Computers, accepted to Quantum Science and Technology (2020).
- Bassman, L., Liu, K., Geng, Y., Shebib, D., Krishnamoorthy, A., Fukushima, S., Shimojo, F., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Towards Dynamic Simulations of Materials on Quantum Computers, Physical Review B , 101, 184305 (2020).
- Shimojo, F., Fukushima,S., Kumazoe, H., Misawa,M., Ohmura,S., Rajak,P., Shimamura,K., Bassman,L., Tiwari,S., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., QXMD: An open-source program for nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics. SoftwareX, 10, 100307 (2019).
- Bassman, L., Rajak, P., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Shimojo, F., Aykol, M., Huck, P., Persson, K., Sun, J., Singh, D.J., Vashishta, P., Active Learning for Accelerated Design of Layered Materials. npj Computational Materials, 4, 74 (2018).
- Bassman, L., Krishnamoorthy, A., Nakano, A., Kalia, R. K., Kumazoe, H., Misawa, M., Shimojo, F., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Electronic Origin of Optically-Induced Sub-Picosecond Lattice Dynamics in MoSe2 Monolayer, Nano Letters18, 4653 (2018).
- Krishnamoorthy, A., Bassman, L., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Shimojo, F., Vashishta, P., Semiconductor–Metal Structural Phase Transformation in MoTe2 Monolayers by Electronic Excitation, Nanoscale 10, 2742(2018).
- Krishnamoorthy, A., Bassman, L., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Shimojo, F., Vashishta, P., Kinetics and Atomic Mechanisms of Structural Phase Transformations in Photoexcited Monolayer TMDCs, MRS Advances3, 345-350 (2018).
- Bassman, L., Krishnamoorthy, A., Nakano, A., Kalia, R. K., Kumazoe, H., Misawa, M., Shimojo, F., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Picosecond Electronic and Structural Dynamics in Photo-excited Monolayer MoSe2, MRS Advances 3, 391-396 (2018).
- Kumazoe, H., Krishnamoorthy, A., Bassman, L., Shimojo, F., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Photo-induced Contraction of Layered Materials, MRS Advances3, 333-338 (2018).
- Bassman, L., Rajak, P., Kalia, R. K., Nakano, A., Shimojo, F., Aykol, M., Huck, P., Persson, K., Sun, J., Singh, D.J., Vashishta, P, Efficient Discovery of Optimal N-Layered TMDC Hetero-Structures, MRS Advances3, 397-402 (2018).
- Lin, M.-F.; Kochat, V., Krishnamoorthy, A., Bassman, L., Weninger, C., Zheng, Q., Zhang, X., Apte, A., Tiwary, C. S., Shen, X., Li, R., Kalia, R. K., Ajayan, P., Nakano, A., Vashishta, P., Shimojo, F., Wang, X., Fritz, D. M., Bergmann, U., Ultrafast Non-Radiative Dynamics of Atomically Thin MoSe2, Nature Communications 8, 1745 (2017).